Nuestros Servicios

Ofrecemos soluciones contables personalizadas.

A neon sign with both English and Chinese characters illuminates against a dark background. The sign advertises a travel agency with services such as visa, tour, and ticket assistance. The surrounding area is dimly lit, with faint reflections visible.
A neon sign with both English and Chinese characters illuminates against a dark background. The sign advertises a travel agency with services such as visa, tour, and ticket assistance. The surrounding area is dimly lit, with faint reflections visible.
Servicios Contables

El registro, análisis y control de la información financiera de una empresa o persona física; abarcando contabilidad general, fiscal, financiera y administrativa para garantizar el cumplimiento normativo y optimizar la gestión económica.

Servicios Fiscales

Asesoría y gestión para el cumplimiento de obligaciones tributarias, incluyendo , cálculo y presentación de impuestos, defensa ante auditorías y optimización de la carga fiscal conforme a la normativa vigente.

A series of signs are displayed on a light blue wall, featuring English and Chinese text. The top sign advertises paper and printing services, the middle sign mentions a charcoal dealer, and the lower signs include an 'ICE' label and a 'NO PARKING' notice.
A series of signs are displayed on a light blue wall, featuring English and Chinese text. The top sign advertises paper and printing services, the middle sign mentions a charcoal dealer, and the lower signs include an 'ICE' label and a 'NO PARKING' notice.
A modern skyscraper with the PwC logo is partially obscured by out-of-focus autumn leaves in the foreground. The building is set against a backdrop of a bright, cloudy sky.
A modern skyscraper with the PwC logo is partially obscured by out-of-focus autumn leaves in the foreground. The building is set against a backdrop of a bright, cloudy sky.
Servicios de Nómina y Seguridad Social

Administración y procesamiento de la nómina, cálculo de salarios, retenciones y prestaciones, así como el cumplimiento de obligaciones ante instituciones de seguridad social, garantizando el pago correcto a empleados y la observancia de la normativa laboral vigente.

Auditoría de Control Interno de las Empresas

Evaluación y análisis de los procesos, políticas y sistemas internos para identificar riesgos, optimizar la eficiencia operativa y garantizar el cumplimiento normativo, fortaleciendo la transparencia y la toma de decisiones estratégicas.

A neon sign with both English and Chinese characters illuminates against a dark background. The sign advertises a travel agency with services such as visa, tour, and ticket assistance. The surrounding area is dimly lit, with faint reflections visible.
A neon sign with both English and Chinese characters illuminates against a dark background. The sign advertises a travel agency with services such as visa, tour, and ticket assistance. The surrounding area is dimly lit, with faint reflections visible.
Servicios Jurídicos de diseño para Empresas

Asesoría en la creación y organización legal de empresas, incluyendo la elección de la forma jurídica, constitución, elaboración de estatutos y cumplimiento normativo, garantizando una base legal sólida para su operación y crecimiento. Interpretamos los efectos fiscales de los contratos que celebre y que sean elaborados por abogados expertos en cada area.

A modern glass building with sleek architectural design. The structure features a prominently displayed sign with the name 'Deloitte' in large, white letters. The facade consists of reflective glass panels, adding a contemporary aesthetic to the building. The sky in the background is clear and blue, enhancing the overall urban setting.
A modern glass building with sleek architectural design. The structure features a prominently displayed sign with the name 'Deloitte' in large, white letters. The facade consists of reflective glass panels, adding a contemporary aesthetic to the building. The sky in the background is clear and blue, enhancing the overall urban setting.
Servicios de Prevención de Lavado de Dinero (PLD)

Implementación de políticas, procedimientos y controles para identificar, monitorear y mitigar riesgos de operaciones ilícitas, asegurando el cumplimiento de la normativa vigente y fortaleciendo la transparencia en la gestión financiera de la empresa.

A series of signs are displayed on a light blue wall, featuring English and Chinese text. The top sign advertises paper and printing services, the middle sign mentions a charcoal dealer, and the lower signs include an 'ICE' label and a 'NO PARKING' notice.
A series of signs are displayed on a light blue wall, featuring English and Chinese text. The top sign advertises paper and printing services, the middle sign mentions a charcoal dealer, and the lower signs include an 'ICE' label and a 'NO PARKING' notice.
Servicios de Compliance

Implementación de estrategias y controles para garantizar que la empresa cumpla con normativas legales, regulatorias y éticas, minimizando riesgos, fortaleciendo la transparencia y promoviendo una cultura de cumplimiento dentro de la organización.
